The top of the world feeling…
Granted, I have been distracted. Well, I continue to be distracted. In between all the hullabaloo surrounding kids, tuitions fees, mortgage payments, vacation expenses, office cameos, “programming must be done(s),” keeping my Xbox from screaming ‘wuss’ at me or avoiding those awesome kids across the next blog who think I could star as “The old man (in) and the sea,” I surely have to be hard pressed to keep myself buzzed. Buzzed as in adrenaline buzzed, you know -- the kind that stirs butterflies in the stomach, the kind that makes the world around seem so inconsequential, the kind that makes you fall in love. Truly, madly, deeply in “love.”
There is no why. There is no when. There is just the new-found infatuation.

And just like every other infatuation, this too shall pass. Until it does though, it sure feels I’m at the top of the world. Well, just 5500 feet. And just above San Jose.