Lookie! First Solo
June 4th, 2009. 9:22 AM, Reid Hill View. “Reid Hill View Tower Cessna five zero niner three Kilo ready on the right.” “Cessna five zero niner three kilo Reid Hill View Tower Right closed traffic approved runway three one right cleared for takeoff.” “Five zero niner three kilo.”
Position, brakes, feet on rudders and Full throttle. I wanted to remember the moment I take off, all by myself. Was not to be, the tiny plane was more eager than me to get off the ground. Looked at the watch, it was still 9:22 AM. All smiles, I was beaming to myself, hoping I’d remember this moment long after. Its almost beyond belief. Its sheer elation, joy and awesomeness to be up in the air. Thank you Scott. And niner three Kilo.

I wish I had more to say. I can barely keep my feet from floating right now. And to think I logged my own hours as pilot in command! W00t!